Saturday, March 31, 2007

Princesses, horses and lollipops

Wednesday Flower and I went to Star to visit my friend Kari. This was my first time at her new house and it's really beautiful. I was unable to go to her baby shower a few months back and she didn't get the invitation to mine so we had a little gift exchange. Flower was gifted a really fun strawberry shortcake doll and an adorable outfit! Thanks Kari! Here new little guy, Lucas, was sleeping so I didn't get a photo of him but he's a cutie! We had lunch there and Flower had a great time playing with Brian and Sydney.

She got to dress up as a princess and play in a giant Buzz Lightyear playhouse.

I really enjoyed talking with Kari. It was fun to catch up!
After that, since I was right up the road, we went to Marco's parents. Marco and Stephen were there and we just sat around and talked. We were tormenting Flower with a red laser pointer that Marco had. It freaked her out! I don't understand why a white flash light wouldn't scare her but a red one would. It did. We had a good laugh at her expense. Poor thing.
She had fun playing on the piano too.

Stephen just kept saying how cute she was. They are both just smitten with her!
She got to see the horses too but didn't want to get on this time. Probably because her daddy wasn't there like last time.

That night we watched Ellektra again while her parents went to a hockey game with Ashton.
Flower can be kind of bratty sometimes, thankfully Elle can hold her own. She was actually the
tormentor at one point trying to snatch Flower's lollipop after she'd already eaten her own.
We were quite amused! They kissed and made up before the night was through.....

...and then tried to escape together. Too bad they can't reach the door handles yet! ;)
I'm so grateful for so many good friends that bring joy into our lives!

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Let's kick it.

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

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