Sunday, December 30, 2007

December glad list

Here's the list I made each day of the things that make me happy.
  1. lunch with good friends
  2. planning game nights
  3. photos
  4. blogs
  5. shopping online
  6. eating out
  7. delivery
  8. mail
  9. new clothes
  10. ornament exchange with KG
  11. take-out
  12. independent art
  13. handmade gifts
  14. decorating
  15. prayer
  16. patriarchal blessing
  17. games
  18. Christmas tree
  19. nativity scenes
  20. joy
  21. our jobs
  22. sex
  23. advent calendars
  24. the color orange
  25. traditions
  26. Christmas morning
  27. candy canes
  28. naps with Flower
  29. overnight gaming
  30. laughing buddies at church
  31. only having one child!

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Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out