friday the 25
th sandee had the girls spend the night because she was watching them for me on
saturday while i worked. we met her and kas
soupersalad for dinner. then we did the big trade of the vehicles. the kids had fun as usual at aunt
sandee's. and the girls are going through something i remember vividly. flower and
kas are really getting along these days and don't want a little toddler in their way. they don't like to let her play so river complained frequently to
sandee, "they won't let me play with them". i remember those days with my own sister and cousins/friends. it makes me laugh. anyway,
sandee brought river back to me about 4:00 pm
saturday but flower was going to spend the night again and go to church with them on sunday. this was the first time i can remember that
i'd be alone with river for so long. i loved it! i was so surprised at how different she was with not having her sister around to copy. her little personality is so great. she is sweet and fun. we read so many books. for as much as she doesn't like
i'm surprised and loving how much she loves books! we also played, "you be the baby" as she often says to me and then takes care of me. it's so sweet. she'll be a great little mommy someday. we lounged around on
sunday and 'watched' her favorite shows, mickey mouse clubhouse and
mrs. spider's sunny patch friends. she constantly requestes to watch them and then lasts about 5 seconds. :) we had a good time together!
here are the photos i took of our adventure.

lovely day!
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