june 26th was a busy day. that morning i had a baby shower for marycatherine and her little baby Savannah. these were the decorations. i had so much fun buying things for decorations. my friend tammy cut out the butterflies for me. such a huge help and i loved out they turned out! those cute binkies make me miss river at this age! i can't believe i didn't get a photo of the food. i loved finding new recipes to make for the shower. my friend adrienne gave me some great winners! i made a pannacotta with roasted strawberries, peach blueberry tart and raspberry greek yogurt parfaits. i also had lisa bring cinnamon rolls and kris brought a yummy egg dish. everything was delicious! i really enjoyed putting the shower together and being creative and then enjoying the company of everyone!
that afternoon the goodsell's did lisa's birthday at the clubhouse. i was working so it was nice to be able to be a part of it and still work.
there was another group having a party as well. this was the busiest day i've ever seen at the pool. i remember standing on the steps and looking out at everyone having fun on such a wonderfully hot day and being so thankful for my job and the opportunity it gives me to enjoy all the fun stuff around me. i loved seeing so many people enjoy themselves in harmony. unfortunately that bubble was burst really soon after that when a tenant came in to complain about various things. she is a tenant that we've struggled with for a long, long time and i have always remained patient with her. this time, after 40 minutes of her whining and insults i lost it and it got nasty. i feel bad about my part because i don't like being that way with people but i think it was all for the best because we decided it was time for her to go. she finally moved out in september and life has been much quieter around here and i think she will be much happier in the long run.
that evening i met some gals at jonnycarino's to celebrate amanda's 30th birthday!
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