april 18th is her birthday! woot woot!
here's the special mantel i did just for her. she loved it!

first thing that morning we let her open a gift from
lynnette's sister). she got her a little mermaid bath barbie and cute little kitties. thanks

the day before her birthday i took her to the store and let her pick a special cereal. they don't really get cereal anymore so this is what she wanted and she was excited.

she loves her chocolate! i was happy she chose that because i wasn't at all tempted! :)

she kept showing me the flowers she was making with her cereal on her spoon.

i can hardly believe she's six!

we let her skip school because that's what she wanted to do. she still had piano however so we finally got ready for the day at 11 after playing and lounging.
i love this vest that kris gave me!

all that play made river tired. she fell asleep on the way to piano.

after piano we went and picked up my mom so we could all go to lunch. flower chose olive garden. river was proud because she could reach the paper towels in the bathroom! :)

flower sat by grandma and they had so much fun playing the games on flower's menu.

she enjoyed her free birthday dessert.

river took it upon herself to vacuum before we left the restaurant. :)

after lunch we headed for karate. grandpa met us there and flower was pretty excited to that they were going to watch her. that's never happened before and she was a little rock star. both grandma and grandpa were very impressed.
river spent her time under the bleachers :)

can you see grandma and grandpa in the mirror?

we then went home for some down time before dinner that night at red robin with sandee and the kids. kg enjoyed flower's free birthday burger and flower and river shared a kids meals. i didn't order a meal because i was still full from lunch but i ate a few fries. not bad feeding us all for for the price of a kids meal!

they sang to her and brought her a free sundae.

after dinner sandee and the kids had a surprise for flower. kas was giving flower her bike, which was pretty much brand new because kas never rode it. we had her close her eyes so i could get her reaction when she opened them. she was so surprised and thrilled!

and then we were completely shocked when she got on and just took off! i couldn't believe it! she's never tried to ride without training wheels before. what a rock star!

unfortunately she took off so fast that kg was caught off guard and she was headed right for the rocks.

the seat was still too high for her and she fell.


but holy crap she was so proud of herself that she didn't let that bother her. she's been riding it ever since! way to go flower!

finally to finish out the night kg gave her a fishing pole that she wanted.

it was such a great day! i loved having the day off and spending all of it with flower. i loved having the time with my mom too and i'm pretty sure flower felt very special.
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