it was such a beautiful day when i picked up flower from school that she was itching to show me her jump roping and pole

she's pretty proud of herself! especially with the pole. she's a cautious one so it takes her some time to build up the courage. she showed me how brave she is several times!
yay flower!
lynnette went to
hawaii to run the lava man triathlon. she rocked it! she was hoping to run it in 4.5 hours. she came in under 4 hours! so awesome! while in
hawaii she so thoughtfully picked us up some gifts.
check out these cute t-shirts she got the girls!

i love them and so do they!

flower also wanted me to take a photo of her in the shirt she wore to school. river gave it to her for her birthday.

lynnette also gave us this aloha tropical mix which kg and river scarfed down.

and this amazing assortment of macadamia nut oils. there are 4 different flavors. that night we steamed up broccoli, green beans, asparagus and
zucchini and then drizzled one of the oils over the top and it was so delicious! thanks

the girls were excited it was raining so they could take their '
bellas'(as river calls them) to carol's house.

it was a pretty good day!
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