here's all the other super important stuff that happened in may. :)
5.1-playing in my bed on a
sunday morning

5.2-happy birthday
isaac g.!
5.3-it's really hard to kick this cutie out of my bed.

5.4-happy birthday
river and i love sharing oatmeal in bed together.

we spent the evening with some good looking firemen. :)

5.5-happy birthday
5.6-flower made me a sweet card and bouquet of flower's at school for mother's day.

i took her with me to the post office and there was a rally at the state house. we walked over and it was a good opportunity for me to teach her about what was going on. this particular deal was about prayer in school and there were people yelling for each side so i explained both sides to her and then asked her opinion. it was a neat little experience.

the first time
i've done something fancy on river's hair. :)

5.10-when i came home for lunch my little
chickies were napping together. so sweet.

5.12-kg hung up an
ikea shelf i bought last year. now all my little
froggies will be safe from river's grasp. :)

5.13-happy anniversary lover!
i went to
jim's on the morning of my anniversary. i have been craving the french toast and i also wanted to see
i've been missing her lately. it was a good little visit.

i hope the chicken on the roof never goes away.

5.14-happy birthday
5.15-happy birthday
5.16-she loves to do dishes, as long as there's plenty of bubbles involved!

flowie has a fever :(

::best friends::

5.17-i was a little shocked to come around the corner in the morning to see this. :)

she's caught!

5.18-the girls love painting my toenails.


we got some chocolates for two special ladies in my ward and then went out to lunch before i left town for the weekend.

5.25-the games they play totally crack me up. love their imagination.

5.27-pretty hair

beautiful rainbow after leaving target.


sandee and i went to the movie 'something borrowed'. at the theater there was a wheel to spin and i won this t-shirt for the girls! they both love pink panther cartoons so i was excited. the movie we saw great too.

look at those tan lines, and it's only may!

river was so cute helping flower get dry.

and look, here's proof their room is clean sometimes!

pretty hair.

5.29-kg gave me these for mother's day and it's been so fun to watch them change color. they are so beautiful and unique.

i love the little yellow 'stick pin' centers. :)

over a weeks time i quadrupled my cookie recipe twice! that's a lot of cookies, most of which went to others except the ones river hijacked. :) i love baking, especially when it's for other people.

so delicious!

the girls spent the night at laura's so i took advantage of that and while the cookies were baking, i cleaned out the girls drawers. i removed all the winter items and things that were too small. i brought in the summer items and next years fall things.

everything is well organized. until the girls got home that is.

they came home and saw all the cookies and were so excited!

they kept trying to reach them.

5.31-happy anniversary kristen and mitch!
another fun, busy month. later alligator!
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