we had an excellent memorial day. we hung out at home as a family and relaxed for the morning. that afternoon we went to a birthday party at the clubhouse for isaac. his family lives here and i've gotten to know his dad because he uses the clubhouse often for photo shoots and band jam sessions. we talk every time he comes to get the key. isaac and flower would watch tv together when she was there with me after school. they invited us to isaac's birthday and we were excited to go! it was a bbq and pool party. i invited the goodsell's because i knew the boys would be great for isaac to get to know. it was the first time i've hung out with dave's wife bobbie and she's really fun!
the kids loved the water as usual!
john volunteered his skillz on the grill.
the kids enjoyed a pinata!
isaac took the first swing!
river scored a necklace.
and candy is always good!
she also got these teeth! oh this photo makes me laugh!
we sang happy birthday and enjoyed chocolate cake!
we all had such a good time and the goodsell's hit it off with the madsen's so well that we all planned a sushi date the next day. thanks for including us in your birthday isaac!
we then left for our memorial day tradition of getting our first shaved ice of the season! the girls get pink lemon sour. nothing says summer more than this! i've gotten half tigers blood and half pink lemon sour for about 10 years now. yum-meee! and we love judy! i love the vintage sign with the lovely rainbow complete with snow flakes! kg always gets cinnamon. this is the best snow shack in town. in fact, it's the first one boise ever had and i used to go there as a child. this shack makes me love memorial day because that's when it opens for the summer!
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