she chose the color of her balloons and everything she wanted to do.
flower is smart as ever and did great in first grade. i am continually amazed how easily she's picking up the chinese language. she's thoughtful and kind and such a good big sister. she's so talented but very timid and she tends to let that limit herself. she did dance this year and refused to be in the final recital. i keep showing her videos of herself so she can see how good she does and how much people cheer for her and love seeing her on stage. hopefully this phase will pass. however, i'm the same way so i get her hesitance to perform in front of people. she loves her church teachers, claudia and van howell, and clings to claudia whenever possible. she loves to sing and dance around the house. she is a major tv addict. we really have to limit her or it affects her attitude and mood. during the school year she's lucky to get 30 minutes just based on when they're home and the things going on like homework and chores. but she would easily sit in front of the tv all day if we let her. and when she's watching tv, nothing exists around her. she totally zones. she loves to play the wii and wii fit. she particularly loves the dance and singing games. she is an excellent reader and loves it! we started reading a chapter book this year and i think it's a good thing for her and i to do together. when we can remember. she and i butt heads sometimes and i'm really trying to work on that. i often think i expect too much of her because i know what she's capable of, but she's also only 7! however, she and kg are two peas in a pod. she's also beautiful and i'm a little sad at how much older she's looking these days. her new teeth are coming in and it really changes the shape of her face. i love my little flower and i'm so grateful she's part of our family.
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