Sunday, August 30, 2009

River's 9 month stats

KG took her to her doctor appointment on Friday.

Here's how she measures up.
Weight: 22 pounds 13 ounces=97%
Height: 30 inches=97%
Head Circumference: 44 1/2=65%

She is so muscular it's crazy. I've held babies recently, some older and some younger, that weigh a similar amount. They are all so squishy and rolly polly which is much more fun to hold. She is just a muscular powerhouse that does not stop moving! The muscles in her back and stomach are amazing, not to mention her arms and legs.
I also wanted to point out that Flower was 30 inches tall at 21 months!
Here she is at 21 months old and 30 inches tall.
The difference...Flower weighed 30 pounds at that height. She was rolly polly squishy! Since then she's grown 8 inches but not gained any weight. No more baby chub there. Very sad. She can actually still fit into 2T clothes, they are just too short. ;) As far as percentages, she is 16% in height and 14% in weight. Quite the difference from her sister. I love it! She still wears the dresses from two years ago, only now she uses them as shirts. River is already wearing all of those dresses which means they are already sharing clothes. Yikes.
Very fun girls!

1 comment:

Heather BT said...

Last month, Calli accidentally dressed herself in a pair of Acer's shorts and his shirt. Despite the difference in ages, and height, they fit. Again, the difference between the 15% older kids and the muscular younger kid.
Random blog for hair I thought you'd like, someone just sent me there
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