Saturday, October 30, 2010

zoo+chili+visits? oh my!

saturday the 30th was crazy busy and it was wonderful. we started off bright and early, 9:30 am, with fresh whipped cream atop our raspberries and strawberries for breakfast in bed. :) then we went to the zoo in our costumes. if we go next year, we will definitely do it differently. we ended up standing in line for the costume contest the entire time. and we got gypped at the last minute but oh well. live and learn. we still had a good time. and several people told us on our way out that we should have won!
kg took some photos of costumes he liked while the girls and i took a bathroom break :)

then we waited for the results of the contest.(that's our number, not what we placed)
finally we saw the penguins,
and a stuffed giraffe.
and then left so i could rush to work.
after i worked we made a quick trip to an assisted living center because they wanted their residence to enjoy some trick-or-treaters.
then we went to lynnette's house for tristan's birthday and the chili feed!
rico suave.
the chili and fixings were delicious!
lynnette has a really awesome halloween town!

great decorations!
then we drove out to star to see the furniss'. they always have great decorations and neither of us have been to their house since high school! the girls fell asleep on the way there so we parked outside their house for half an hour to let them sleep before we went in. they had such a long day and they were still so great!
finally we went in.

we enjoyed chatting with them as well as mk and family. they spoiled the girls with more candy.
from there we went to see great grandma and grandpa hunter.
then we went to see buffalo grandpa, justin, adam, erina and ryan.
after that we went to my parents house. my siblings also came over and so did buffalo grandma. my dad had the usual doughnuts and apple juice. yum. we also went trick-or-treating to a few houses.

zach and royal
lorelai, the cutest little minnie mouse i've ever seen. :)
our final stop was great grandma jensen. she looked like minnie mouse too! she just needed the ears. ;) we enjoyed a nice visit.
we had such a busy, fun family day. we love halloween!

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