Wednesday, August 31, 2011

august photo dump

8.5-i loved keeping popsicles in the clubhouse freezer and bringing them out to share when there were lots of kids at the pool. such a cute scene.
i adore this photo. it screams summer to me.

girls night at barbacoa!

dominique, bobbie, lisa, sandee, me, stacy.
i had never been here before and i'm in love!
the decor is amazing.

this is the perfect birthday treat!

we had to pick up john after having his wisdom teeth removed. he was so funny!

i love it when river gives me foot massages while she's in the bath. i sit on the edge of the tub. her sweet little hands feel so good on my feet as she scrubs and massages. :)

we have some crazy squirrels around our place.

8.10-happy birthday kg! happy birthday jenna!
8.11-happy anniversary kris and jer!
8.13-happy birthday to me!
8.15-dinner with our 'singles ward' friends
the girls played with their bubbles while we waited for the others to arrive.

8.17-happy birthday adam!
we found this beautiful bug sitting outside our door one evening.

mmm, fresh raspberries.
one evening the girls and i went to kristen's to ride bikes in her neighborhood. we had a good time. ryan let me borrow his truck which was a huge help!

we watched some videos before we went home.

river went with me to aspen and one of the tenants had a bunny for her to hold.
silly river!

sleepover in the living room!

cleaning the family room.
river loves to play with my scenty scents. she'll open each one and sing happy birthday and smell them. it's fun to watch.

kg rigged a bungee cord with a corn cob and bells for the squirrels to eat. it was pretty funny.

river loves to take rides in tex's golf cart around the property!

shaved ice after a day of swimming.

we had a big bunch that day. the yearsley's, goodsell's, sandee, fuhriman's, zach bahr and jensen's.

one saturday lauren had a track meet at bishop kelly so we went over to say hello and cheer her on!
one day flower put her foot in this drum and pretended to have a bum leg. river decided to copy her. the only problem is, river's foot is larger and it got stuck. there are also little metal cymbals in there. one of them was cutting her toe with each step. it was so sad.
her naked little bum makes me laugh. this girl would always rather be naked!
8.22-happy birthday val!
8.24.11-we went to flower's new school to see who her new teacher would be.
mrs. schillen happened there so we said hello. flower was really excited!

then we went to sushi at fujiyama with ryan and the madsen's
these were my favorite. oh they are so delicious!
finally we went for a shaved ice

8.25-happy birthday ashton!
8.26.-happy birthday matty!
the last friday before flower started school we went on our last after family date. flower would longer be making these trips with us now that she's in school. :( she chose chow chows.

she was so excited to show off her new glasses.

the girls help make their lunch each night

the night before school started kg gave the girls a father's blessing. i love listening to him do this.
finally august is blogged! it was a good month!

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out