Part two to this story. I went to the Doc yesterday for an unrelated reason...more on that in a minute. While I was there however, he asked why my finger was red. I explained and then he informed me, based on a few things I had told him, like I had a headache everyday last week and when I turned my arm over, palm up, it felt as though my arm was going to snap, that i had given myself blood poisoning. That's when I realized that the headaches did in deed stop a couple days after I took the ring off, as did the arm pain. He said it could have been much more serious had I not taken it off when i did. Lovely. All in the name of wearing a cute ring.
Anyway, I *heart* Dr. Loveland! He made me feel so much better about everything! He validated my feelings and really made me understand that I shouldn't be ashamed of not being able to feel happy. In November I started thinking my ADD medication wasn't working anymore. I was becoming very forgetful again, getting frustrated easily at little things and thought the meds were giving me migraines. I also had emotions that wouldn't quit! We all agreed to wait until after the adoption was completed and Flower was home for a bit because all of those things could have been caused by the adoption. Well, it's been almost 3 months since she came home and things are just getting worse. Although now depression is in the mix because I just can't keep things together. Having her home made it that much more obvious that is wasn't working because she is such a good kid and at times I should be feeling so much joy, I'd feel numb. That would make me depressed and so the cycle goes. I have been afraid to change the meds though because changing them always makes me gain no less then 20 pounds in a month. Yikes. My doc is brilliant, however, and decided to just keep things simple and add a medication to the one I'm already taking and not rock the boat too much. If this works, then we can visit the idea of phasing the other one out slowly. I have to go back in 30 days so hopefully by then I will begin to feel like my old self again. Having irrational responses to almost every situation was beginning to make me feel like a psycho! Yay for good doctors. He told me everything I needed to hear and I felt so good when I walked out of there yesterday! :)
I am also more then grateful for KG who always acts like I'm normal and makes me feel so good when I'm at my worst. I am a lucky gal! :o)
That is so good to hear! I'm glad you have such a great doctor who will not only help you feel better but will LISTEN. That is important.
Let me know if you need anything.
And how freaky is that about the blood poisoning?!? Glad that mystery is figured out as well! :)
Hi, I have been following the Chinese Starfish blog for over a year- that's how I know Flower- she's adorable- Happy B-day Flower!
I read your last Post. Have you ever heard of PMDD? It hits women as they approach thier thirties with symptoms like yours. E-mail me if you'd like more info;
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