Monday, June 1, 2009

Seeing the world through a bubble.

I love how much of the world can be seen in that little bubble.

We had been trying hard to catch them and not pop them. We were so excited to finally succeed!!!

Today was good. No 'lack of sleep headache' when I woke up. That's a huge plus. I felt joy from blowing bubbles with Flower. I had an adrenalin rush that lead no where...denied. Maybe tomorrow? I love adrenalin. I got my first shaved ice of the season. :o) My three and I spent the evening at the park with Amanda and her three. There were no melt downs from Flower at all today. No major vomiting from River. KG's cute. I think the day was a success.
Good night.

1 comment:

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

I love bubbles, they are so much fun. Those are great pictures you took!

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out