the next year just felt like it needed to be different. so i took out the chinese and changed it to 'my life is my playground'. that's how i felt. i tried to play and enjoy every bit of life.
this year. i need something new. something positive. last year i bought a bunch of art from a particular gal-valentinadesign. i haven't hung any of it up because i didn't have room, but i knew i had to have it. i find that i'm kind of an art collector. i have a lot of art just waiting in it's packaging for the perfect time. well for one particular piece, it's time has come. i adore the design, graphics and saying...'something good is going to happen'.

i have a lot of 'hopes' swirling around in my head right now. most that i'm not willing to share just yet. fear of failure. fear of judgement. fear of change. maybe even fear of success because then change is inevitable. but i'm a firm believer in the power of positive thoughts. i have been saying the above phrase repeatedly, all day long, since shortly after the new year. and i just know, at some point this year, 'something good is going to happen'. it makes my heart skip a beat each time i say it. so that's my saying for the year and the new title for my blog. i hope it's true for all of you as well and i'm so grateful for you, dear readers. you make this whole little bloggy thing that much more fun for me! :)
it is now displayed happily on my new black shelves that i love. best purchase ever. i've already switched things around like eleventy million times but there are no extra holes in the wall...yay! at the other end of the shelf is this one by the same artist:

Keep the faith Angie! I too am a believer in the power of positive thinking, and saying it out loud is even better!
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