Friday, September 3, 2010

oink oink.

flower is loving school. this cute little puppet pig is the first thing she's made and brought home to show. :) i love seeing the things she brings home.
prior to school our family schedule was as follows; i went to work from 10-2. kg had the girls. he'd put river to bed at 1 so he could finally go to bed. flower would watch tv and read until i got home at 2:00. then we'd eat lunch and get ready for them to come back to the office with me until 6:00. our new routine is as follows; i still go to work from 10-2. kg keeps river and flower is at school from 8:30 to 11:45. she is dropped off at the clubhouse with me after school. we do her homework first thing, then she eats lunch and then she gets to play on the computer, watch tv, or play 'office' until 2:00. kg has river and feeds her lunch and then puts her to bed at noon and then he goes to bed. this is allowing him to get a little more sleep than he did before. river sleeps till 2:00 when flower and i get home. i then feed them a snack and get them ready for emily's. so far it's working well. both kg and river sleep better with flower out of the house. :) at almost 2 years old, this is the first time river is only taking one nap. and it's a little tough on her to make it clear to noon. prior to now, she was still taking two naps a day. she would go down for a nap at 10 or 11 for an hour or so and then sleep again for an hour or two later in the day. and still go to bed at 8 and sleep for 12 hours! i'm so grateful for good sleepers! the girls now go to bed at 7:00 pm and sleep till 7:00 am since flower has to be up earlier for school. so far our new schedule is working and the school year is going well.
one thing i'm not loving? flower's new little attitude. holy smokes. she is so defiant and sassy. she talks back, complains, whines, spits and stomps off and is sometimes unbearable. it started as soon as school started. i sure hope this doesn't last long or she may not make it to the end of the year.

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