Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Family Reunion #2

We left Marco's early Wednesday morning and met KG's parents, brother, nephew and niece at Village Inn for breakfast. We then followed each other to Bryce, Utah.

Flower was so cute reading her Rainbow Fish book on the way.

The main reason for this entire trip to Utah was for the Van Dahlan reunion. This is on KG's mom's side. It goes back seven generations(i think) to two sister who came to American from Denmark a long time ago. This reunion is for all their decedents. We really had a great time! It was the first time for KG's parents to have all their grandchildren together! While everyone else stayed in a hotel, the three of us stayed in a Tepee.

We loved it and were surprised by how big it was!

After we got settled we set out to find everyone. KG and Flower were soon swimming with all the Jensen grandkids.

Aren't they a cute bunch? Mom was sure enjoying them!
Later that night we got together in a conference room with the huge group and got reacquainted. It's not easy to do with that many people around but they made a fun game of it.

THURSDAY we all met for a late breakfast and then the three of us went to Old Bryce town.

We all met up again in front of the hotel and decided to take the shuttle to the canyon.

My favorite part of this reunion was the time spent with nieces and nephews that we don't see nearly enough! I was thrilled that they were more clingy and cuddly then last I saw them.

Notice this bunch all has black nails thanks to me! :)
Every time I turned around I had a new little buddy wanting to sit on my lap or hold my hand!

The Canyon was amazing!

We had a really nice time with the whole family there. I decided I wanted to hike a portion of it so I talked KG, Flower, James, Sarah and Serena to come with me while the rest of the gang went back to the hotel.

It was hot that day but considering what it's been like in our town lately, it was the perfect weather!

I was amazed by the beauty of the area at every turn!

Now that KG's brother lives in Maryland, I was so happy to get so much extra time with them on the hike. Little Serena is definitely into adventure. It was so fun to watch her excitement and energy!

Flower did pretty well! We could have sent her to the hotel but it's not really an option for us! We want her to experience everything with us and we enjoy her being there so much! KG had to carry her quite a bit but she walked a lot for a 2 year old!

The hike took us about three hours and I only had to use my puffer twice! :) This was definitely a highlight of the trip! When we got back to the hotel my feet were so sore and we were all ready for food! The three of us went straight for the pizza parlor and the others eventually joined us, including lots from the extended family. I thought for sure I was going to need a nap but after we filled ourselves we had renewed energy. We used the parents hotel room to get us all showered and ready for the nightly get together. KG's aunt and cousin put a fantastic slide show together. It included photos from every reunion thus far, including this one. It had excellent music as well! I enjoyed doing my nieces hair during the video as well! :) After the video we did family photos and then said our good-byes since we'd be leaving early in the morning.

I couldn't leave before getting a photo with all our nieces and nephews!
We walked back to Old Bryce Town to finish looking around and getting photos, souvenirs and ice cream to take to our tepee.

Flower was asleep before we made it back so she missed out on the ice cream. It gave KG and I a chance to sit on the picnic table outside our tepee and talk. Every once in a while we'll sit and ask each other questions and it's been awhile so I really enjoyed it. Sometimes you forget the simple things and assume you're goals and desires are the same once you've been together a good while. It's important for us to take the time to get reacquainted. For example, I asked him what he most likes about himself and what he most dislikes and then I'd answer the same. Then we asked what we'd like to change and how the other could help. Lots and lots of questions. It was really nice. Even though we had to be up early, we continued the conversation in the tepee until after 1:00 am.
It was perfect!


sara :) said...

Wow-you guys packed in a ton of stuff during that trip. And my heck you got the best pictures! I love the one of you and flower with your chin resting on your hands. So cute. Glad you guys had a great time.

ang :o) said...

thanks sara. we had such a good time! kg and i both love to take pictures! :)

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out