on monday the 20th i enjoyed some snuggle time with river as she napped on me. flower was at school so it was nice and quiet. :)

what did my little angels do that was so offensive? they were screaming constantly in the room fighting over the chair. so the chiropractor was nice enough to bring in another one. but then they were fighting over their dumb princesses. and river screamed everytime flower took something away from her that she shouldn't be playing with, like the chiro's lotions. then river escaped after he came in to adjust me. again, i'm stuck in odd positions because i'm being adjusted. what am i supposed to do? plus the chiro didn't seem to mind. well went i went looking for her i discovered she had lifted the nob of their drinking water machine that's in the lobby, emptying the entire contents and flooding the floor. nice. and the girl was a rag about it. she obviously doesn't have kids. the chiro on the other hand has 4 children and he was laughing telling me it was no big deal as he cleaned it up. as i was trying to pay, the girls escaped again. i thought they were in the lobby by the door. how was i to know that hallway was a back entrance to all the patient rooms? they ran through the office yelling and once they made it to her she got in their face and told them to get with their mother and her voice was just slightly below yelling and i could tell she wanted to grab them. the way she talked to them was not ok. i was slightly annoyed when i left there. i chalked it up to her having a bad day and i'm not going to hold it against her because the chiro was cool. i'll give her another chance. however, river will not be going back with me anytime soon.
can you believe that just prior to all that craziness they were so sweetly making their princesses dance to the music in the van? little turds!

1 comment:
What a jerk that girl is!! She could have totally helped and got them some coloring paper and pens or something...or talked to them...UGH! I really don't like people like her.. But ya know what they say about karma!?!?! LOL!
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