Friday, January 9, 2009

More Christmas?

Yep. On Sunday Flower's little friend Tianna gave her a bead kit to make a necklace. Flower had given her and Jovie scarves that I had made, similar to her feathery princess type pink one. Flower had a blast making her necklace. She did it all by herself, although I had to tie it when she was done.
I love her concentration as she holds the string to thread the bead. :)

She is very proud of it.
Then on Tuesday I got a call from our adoption agency that there was a package there for us. Carrie, the birth aunt, sent a box of goodies for the girls. There were two books and lots of cute clothes/sleepers, onsies and sock rattles. So thoughtful! We love it all and some of the clothes were in colors River hasn't worn yet like purple. We are excited to put them on her.
Here is one of the pretty blue ones I like.
Thank you!

1 comment:

Gorge Us Family said...

Very cute outfit. I'm impressed that Flower did all the beading her self. She is a do it herself kind of gal.

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

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