She is now 6 weeks old.
I needed this today. I am feelin' the blues big time over some stuff. Baby smiles make me feel better for a moment at least. Flower's giggles did me some good tonight as well. Tonight she was reading a book with KG and happened to look over at the tv. There was a Wendy's add on and she proclaimed, "Look, on the tv. Hamburgers! *licks her lips* mmmm...licious!" We just busted up. Weirdo.
I wanted to document some fun similarities between River and Flower.
~They are both slightly tongue tied which gives them the cutest crack or dent in the middle of their tongues when they stick it out. You can kind of see it in the photo of her sticking out her tongue.
~They both had 'moms' named Amanda.
~River has a birth mark on the back of her neck in the same place and similar shape to Flower's scar from her spina bifida surgery.
~They both have Mongolian marks on their back above their butt cracks. (Mongolian spots are common among Asian, East Indian and African races. The blue spot is a benign flat congenital birthmark with wavy borders and irregular shape.) It looks very much like a bad bruise so it's quick to be documented on doctors charts so that you aren't accused of abuse. Nice.
~I think it's fitting that they both ended up with a connection to my mom as well, very much by accident...or was it? We named Flower after my mom. Her name being Flower Opal and my mom's name is Opal. Then River just happened to be born on my mom's birthday. I have always been a bit partial to my mom. :)
It's seems like there was one more thing but it's escaping me right now. We love these two little squirts!
Izzard has the same thing going on with her tongue :)
Beautiful smiles! She is very pretty.
OH!! So precious. And it's cool that the girls have sisterly commonalities. :-) I've heard of Mongolian marks but never seen one. Very interesting.
So stinking cute! And her skin is just beautiful!
So I have only checked in a couple of times over the past month or so, so I have missed lot! I have to tell you congrats and River is beautiful. You make a picture perfect family and am so glad you have been so blessed!
she is SO CUTE!! I'm over the moon happy for you:)
What a precious girl! I want to nibble on that dimple.
I love it! I had no idea that Flower had spina bifida surgery . . . we really do need to get together and talk. Hope life is better.
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