Technically she's 10 weeks old. The appointment went great until the shots. She had her first round of immunizations. :( She was so happy, smiling and cooing at the nurse and doctor, even as she was laying there naked on the cold table. Then wham...a needle in the leg. And then the other leg. Poor baby. That kind of ruined her mood. (Notice all the wrinkles/rolls on her left that!)

Here stats:
weight: 13.7 pounds=97%
height: 23.75 inches=90%
head circumference=39.5 cm=70%
The doctor was surprised at how strong she is, which we are told often by people that hold her. She's so alert and always looking around to take it all in. While aying her stomach she holds her head up and looks around for 5-10 minutes. When the doctor stood her up she felt her legs and said she had excellent muscle tone and is going to be a strong little girl. She thinks she'll be rolling within the next month. We shall see. She's been a bit fussy today but not too bad considering.
Here's the band-aid evidence of her wound.

When we got home she played in her new
bumbo. I knew she would love it! She prefers to be upright and see what we're all doing. She looks like she's riding a bull in this first one.

Check our her surroundings! Before the mass of gifts was dropped like a bomb in the living room, the place was spotless! Now it looks like a war zone.
Hmmm, tough problem to have. Maybe I should whine some more about how spoiled we were last night. ;)

Dang I love those toes!

Flower was very excited to show River her new toy recorder.

Today while I was at work Flower asked KG to wrap her like a burrito. He happily obliged.

Only this time he used a bigger blanket because that's what was on the sofa. That lead to her being really stuck. She didn't like it and she freaked out. I'm sure he laughed.

Glad they have fun while I'm gone.
We had a really fun night with all my favorite girls, minus a few, but I'll save that for another post when it's not 2:30 in the morning and I'm
continually falling asleep only waking right before the drool hits my laptop.
And I leave you with that visual...looking really similar to this...

Good night. :)
Yeah shots are the pits. Poor girl :(. What a cool little contraption for her to sit in! I'll have to look into getting one for my next baby (no I'm not pregnant lol).
Megan they are wonderful! They can sit in them as soon as they can hold up their own head. They help with building back and neck muscles and all that good stuff.
I love the Bumbo, especially going out to eat...too little for a high chair but a perfect center piece where I didn't have to hold Jacob. It is a fabulous invention!!!
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