Tuesday, January 20, 2009

River is 2 months old!

Our little gal is two months old today. Wow. What a joy she is. I have been truly surprised at how much I am loving this baby stage. I have always loved babies. My whole life. I wanted thirteen of them actually, until I got smart and realized I could never handle that! But then something happened within the last few years that made me just lose interest. I just wasn't drawn to them. Certainly not baby hungry. Getting Flower at 21 months was the best. So naturally we thought we'd go that route again. But then last May, as much as we didn't want to, we knew we were meant to prepare ourselves for a new born. Good thing we acted on that prompting right away because she was ready for us fast, just four months from completing the paper work. And boy is she supposed to be ours. She fits right in with our chill home and lifestyle. So far that is. Here's hoping she stays that way. It hasn't been too much of an adjustment and not nearly as hard as people said it would be. I was terrified. Life hasn't changed too much. Thankfully.
She has already changed a lot. Let's see what's changed and what she's been up to in the past month, since December 20.
.she likes to sit or be in an upright position
.she loves to stand
.she gives us smiles often
.she is just starting to coo and sigh
.she still sleeps more then she's awake
.she has a bit of reflux which has caused some fussing but we figured it out early, at 4 weeks and the medicine has made a big difference
.she sleeps, on average, 5 hours through the night. However sometimes its 7 and one night was 10 hours! that was amazing. she was my favorite that day. :)
.she loves the bath
.she prefers the Boppy over the swing or bouncy chair
.she celebrated her first Christmas
.she celebrated her first New Year
.she went to her first, and last, over night game night until she's an adult. :)
.she had her first hair cut
.she had her nails clipped for the first time.
.she took her first mini-vacation
.she said her first real bit of babble on Sunday...ahhh goooo...it was so loud and so clear we just busted up! It was very cute and I can hardly wait for more.
We did a little photo shoot today and towards the end Flower wanted to get in on the fun. As earlier stated, River is two months and Flower is 3 years, 9 months and 2 days old. :) The headband and bow are part of the bunch I bought from my cousin Kami. They matched the dress Flower picked out for her back in December perfectly! Thanks Kam.

Love her little feet! Love this photo.

1 comment:

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

Very sweet. I'm so glad that River has been such a good bab for you!!!

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out