Saturday, May 29, 2010

date night with flower.

flower has been struggling with attention issues lately. reverting to baby talk and other behavior. we've been trying to make sure to give her lots of one on one time but it's always either kg or me. she hasn't been alone with the two of us since river was born. so, friday night we took river to the heiner's and took flower on a date.
first we went to the boise fry company for dinner.

we got three small bowls of potato, yukon gold, and yam fries with vanilla salt.
we also had about 8 different dipping sauces.
it was so good. we loved them all! and it was fun just sitting down and having french fries for dinner!
after that we went to winco to get some goodies and then headed to the theater to see shrek. after we arrived we discovered the showing we came for had been cancelled an hour prior. i complained and we were given three free tickets. we jumped in the truck and went to the theater closer to our house and saw it there. we really liked it and thought it was funny. i really enjoyed being out with just the three of us again and it was nice not having to wrestle river during the movie. she doesn't sit for more than 30 seconds ever!
we really appreciated the heiner's helping us out and river had a great time!

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