Wednesday, August 29, 2007


ME: what honey?
FLOWER: snake.
ME: snake?
FLOWER: yeah[excitedly shaking her head]
ME: where's a snake?[mind you we're in our living room]
FLOWER:over there! [pointing to the corner]
ME: there is not a snake over there! and how do you know that word?
FLOWER:snake! [getting frustrated now]
ME:i don't see a snake!
FLOWER: kitchen in a snake
ME:[as a light bulb goes off] ah! snack?
FlOWER: yeah snack![laughing wildly]
ME: you want a snack? are you hungry?
FlOWER: yay![clapping and smiling] hungry. Good Job!

That was my afternoon conversation. And I even got a sweet little 'good job' for deciphering her language. I feel like I need a sticker on my progress page. It's a good thing she has word association down or I'd have been stumped all day!

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