Kris called me yesterday evening and asked if I'd be willing to make cookies. The reason? Apparently several churches in the area participate in a non-denominational Thanksgiving dinner held at St. Johns Cathedral. Our ward was asked to make 24 dozen cookies. I told her I'd love to! She has no idea how much I actually LOVE to make cookies, especially when they are for someone else. There is something very therapeutic in it for me. When I was a teenager I would come home from church and make cookies almost every Sunday. I'd take them to practically everyone in the neighborhood. I remember one Sunday my dad came home from his meetings and said, "I never thought I'd ask you to be less giving but can't you just make them for our enjoyment for once?" He got really tired of coming home to the house smelling of fresh cookies, only to have them all gone.

So, needless to say, I am so glad she asked me! I agreed to make 6 dozen. I have to have them done by Tuesday. Since we are leaving town today and won't return until Monday night, I knew they had to get done last night. It couldn't have been more perfect. With my favorite sidekick in tow, we went to the market and bought everything we'd need...well except eggs, as I soon discovered. I then went and borrowed eggs from John and Danny and
then we had everything.

Flower loves to help and taste along the way. This time, knowing they wouldn't be for us, I didn't allow her to double and triple dip her fingers and that was hard for her. I scooped up a spoonful however and that made her just as happy. I took the easy way out and made them pan cookies, but I actually prefer them! Soon enough, cookies were everywhere!

What a perfect evening! It was actually a great day all around. That morning I woke up and made us pancakes and eggs and instead of getting up as usual, got back in bed with KG. We watched one of our favorite shows, Boston Legal, while we ate breakfast. Flower was soon awake and joined us.

I then took her on a really long walk to All About Games. I should have gone into the store above that in the photo! ;) I didn't think that would be appropriate with Flower. See, sometimes I have discretion! :) We were in pursuit of a Christmas present and the journey was successful. I took pictures on our way of some of the awesome buildings that have been redone in the Linen District.
I was thrilled to find Eyes of the World again. They have been next to Jim's Coffee Shop for years and I was so disappointed when they were pushed out of their spot but the snots at the Co-op! Well now they're even closer to me so yay!

I love seeing old, worn down areas being revived! On our walk

we passed by Fire Station #5. This is the station

that responds first whenever our alarm goes off here at the Idanha. Let me tell you, those boys are hot! I'm tempted to pull the alarm myself once in a while just to be surrounded by the yummy goodness of those boys in their uniforms. I've always told KG he should become a firefighter. I just can't resist 'em!

Right next door to them is my favorite skate park. I had hoped to watch some skating with Flower

but failed to remember that most of the skaters would be in school. I love all the murals that are painted around the skate park which is under an overpass.

We made it home in time for her nap. For whatever reason she didn't fall asleep and instead read her little books for two hours. It was pretty cute to listen to while I was in the next room doing work and also doing the bulletin and newsletter. She is also a great helper with that and loves to help me stuff the newsletter into the bulletin. We did that while jamming out to music. I also found time to balance the checkbook! Busy, yet fulling day. I am realizing how much we both benefit from getting some fresh air and exercise during the day. My doc has been telling me that my new meds will work much better if I'm getting the right amount of sleep and getting exercise. I hate it when they're right! It's definitely helping me out of the funk I've been in! Plus I feel like a better mom when I'm engaging in these kinds of activities with Flower so we both win! :)
We are in desperate needs of cookies right now. I'm sure we'd be a great cause.... :)
Next time I need some therapy, you'll be the first one on my list! :)
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