Thursday, February 21, 2008


Tonight we were out celebrating some stuff that for now shall remain confidential! We first went to the church to do my bulletin. Anytime KG and Flower come with me, it's a treat! Flower loved seeing Jerry and the Bishop. The Bishop gave her some candy and she replied, "thank you my bishop!" Her little voice still brings a smile to my face. We intended to celebrate by just getting some ice cream at Baskin Robbins but decided we were hungry as well. We made a stop at Wendy's. KG and I both enjoyed our meal and were just waiting for Flower to finish her burger. KG decided to get out the cute little card board Cranium game that came in Flower's kids meal. He and I were having a great time playing. Flower then says she has to go potty. Here come the stall tactics for not wanting to finish her meal. KG took her and soon returned. Flower then says she has tummy ache. I had a stomach bug earlier this week so today she has said she had a tummy ache several times. It always coincided with her not wanting to do something. I figured she picked up a new trick. Then it happens. She vomited all over our table! Thank the Lord it landed next to me on the bench and not on me! I freeze, about to vomit myself, and then begin to laugh hysterically at the man sitting a couple of tables away. He saw the whole thing and the expression on his face was priceless! As soon as she threw up he dropped his food and pushed it forward and made a gag face. I apologized to him and then just laughed. I couldn't help myself. KG quickly stood up and put her kids meal bag in front of her and she wretched a few more times. I finally suggested he run her to the bathroom because the man was turning green and now the other 6 patrons were now staring in disgust. And I kept laughing! The man and I then talked while KG and Flower were gone and he made fun of us and had a good laugh. He then kept eating and said, , "sucks to be you!" as I was trying to clean up, I mean cover it all up with napkins. So far she has had an iron stomach! This is our first experience with vomit and I am so grateful for that! I do not deal well with it! KG cleaned up while I took Flower to the car. We stopped by Baskin Robbins and got some ice cream to go so we could get her home. She seems fine now. So let's hope this is the end of it!


sara :) said...

I HATE vomit! Ick! Hopefully this was just a one time deal and she'll be right back to normal

A-me said...

At least I'm not the only one dealing with hurl from a child. Eman threw up three times in three days. The last time was after LL fed him.. I thought I was going to have to clean up LL's hurl along with Eman's. I didn't want to laugh to much while I was trying to control my hurl reflex but watching LL, was hilarious! Poor Eman was covered.. he went straight to the tub.. clothes and all where we tried to hose him off. This was not ok for Eman he was screaming soooo loud because he was sooo scared. Finally got him cleaned up and the hurl in the kitchen cleaned up..... good times.

Hope flower feels better soon! :)

La belle mère said...

Congratulations on whatever you're celebrating! :)

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out