Monday, November 3, 2008

Is it working?

I'm attempting to keep myself busy and distract myself from something*. I thought I'd do that by catching up my blog and posting a ridiculous amount of crap. Is it working? NO!
But fall colors are sure beautiful and these photos prove it.

Can you see the tiny turtle on the itty bitty rock in the water?

*For the past three days, in the same attempt to find distraction, I may or may not have eaten more Halloween candy then anyone should consume in an entire year! We'll say I didn't because it probably wouldn't work anyway! Dang.


Megan Davenport Cannon said...

LOL! Whatever you are trying ti disract yourself from must be pretty big! Good luck with it, whatever it is :)

Hokie Family said...

So i've been really busy lately and haven't been on for a while. Did I miss something? I only have one thing that i need distracting from-adoption.

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

My photo
i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out