Thursday, October 30 we got the call that a birth mother connected with our profile and wanted to meet us. We met her and her mom on Saturday, November 1. We new right at first sight in the parking lot that it was right. We later found out they agreed. Monday, November 3, we got the call that she had selected us to be the family for her child. Friday, November 7 we met again to talk about our openness plan. After that my sister threw me a baby shower for family and close friends. She and I made phone call invitations just a fews days prior, on Monday, when we found out we'd been picked. I will post a separate blog about that. Then we waited for the 19th when the mother was to be induced. We went there at 8:00 am. The day went by with no baby. Finally, after 36 hours of labor, she arrived by c-section on the 20th. Flower had been with my sister Amanda since Tuesday night. With no end in sight KG went and picked her up at 5:00. My parents were going to pick her up at 7:00 from us, and keep her over night. At 5:51 River was born so she got to be there and my parents got to see River. KG's parents also came up and then we just kept it private due to the nature of the situation. I also apologize if you attempted to call me in those 36 hours. I was just too consumed and emotionally drained to talk to anyone. There was only one person I could talk to during that time, when I needed to get away and have a break, other then KG, and I am grateful for her! :) She understood what I was going through and it would clear my head and calm me down for the next few hours. Even through her own anxiety and craziness of preparing for the wedding she made time to help out my sanity. I'm so grateful for her. Thanks Kris.
Since I had to be up early for the wedding the next day, and Flower was in the reception that night I planned to leave and sleep with Flower at my parents. At midnight both our phones were dead so I ran all the way home to get chargers and dress clothes for Flower and I. I went clear back to the hospital, in Nampa, stopping along the way to get us food. By the time I left and got to my parents, it was 2:00 am. Friday was nuts. KG spent the entire day with River. I wouldn't see her again until Saturday morning. I dropped Flower off with Grandma Laura at work and went to the temple at 10:30. I then took photos until 12:45. Then I rushed to Meridian to pick up Flower and get to the luncheon at the church, in the north end on Bogus Basin. We made it by 1:30, only a half hour late. We left there at 2:30 and went to Albertson's and Rite-Aid to get things to do Flower's hair. It was 3:15 by the time we got home. We got her dressed and got her hair all done and made it to the Country Club by 4:15. Whew! We took photos there and stayed till it was over at 9:00. I was going to go back to the hospital and trade with KG but Flower fell asleep 5 minutes after leaving the wedding and it just didn't make sense since we pass our house going to Nampa. We went home and Flower slept till 10:00 am today. We were so exhausted. Today deserves it's own post so this is enough for now.
We are so grateful she is here and in our lives!
Thank you to everyone who kept me going through text messages and phone messages throughout those 36 hours! It meant so much!
So I'm not going to lie...those are some cute pictures. Love them! Congrats by the way!
Awww...I'm so happy for you guys! I cried when I saw the pictures. I'm a sucker for babies! Congratulations. I hope the adjustment goes great for you guys. If you need anything, let me know!!
Oh...and her hat is so cute!!
Oh what a cute baby! I love love LOVE baby thigh chubs.
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