The Moss'

This house was down the street in the only culdesac on our street. It was at the opposite end of the park as ours and therefore had as big of a backyard as we did
. I kept Stan in business with all my broken bones. He was my doctor. I broke each arm, both ankles, right knee with surgery needed, several fingers, plus sprains and on and on. I was a wild child with very few fears. Surprisingly I never hurt myself on the trampoline, other then getting the wind knocked out of me a number of times when I'd fall off and land on my back or stomach. I pretty much lived on that thing and fell off of several times with all my stunts. But I never got seriously hurt. Anyway, back to the Moss'. The guest bathroom on their main floor was so cool. It had an old fashion toilet. The tank that is usually on the back was up on the ceiling. You pulled a big long chain that hung from that to flush it. It was so fun! :) I used to babysit the three younger kids once in awhile. I graduated with the oldest. The first time I ever went to McCall was with their family to their condo. Stan and Diane were great friends with my parents and I remember them going on vacations together. Stan had a really cool old convertible car that he'd give us rides in as well as a dune buggy.
The Curnisac's

Jessica graduated two years before me and now works at Qwest where KG has talked with her a few times. Annie was a year or two younger then me. I was never into barbies or girlie things because was I was a tomboy. But for some reason I loved playing at their house with their HUGE doll houses and barbies. Maybe it's because it was safe there...none of my boy friends would find out and make fun of me. :) Mind you this was all during elementary school. I don't remember hanging out with them past that. My sister and I would go over there and play for hours. Annie also had a really cool bike. So cool in fact that one night I sneaked in their back yard and stole it. Oops. I think I was 11. Unfortunately I was caught red handed. The neighbor, Tammy Camas, saw me taking it as she was looking out her bedroom window. When Annie's parents came to my parents and then proceeded to ask me, I lied. But they already knew because there was a witness. Dang! :-D
The Irish's

I used to go swimming at their house. It was the first pool in the neighborhood that I swam in. Jill was a hair stylist.
Everyone got their hair cut there. Except me. She was very popular and very funny. I went once and all I listened to was her gossip about
everyone under the sun. I learned a lot about people that I didn't need to know. Keep in mind that I was a teen. I think there must have been someone older there getting their nails done because I can't imagine her telling me the stuff I heard. I was disgusted. I also was quite sure that if I told her anything, the next person in the door would know about it. Yikes. That was my last time there. Oh wait, except for the time she did my nails for my brothers wedding when I was 15. My mom and sister were there as well. Last time I ever had nails too. Hate them. There was also some huge conflicts between her, her daughter and one of my most favorite people in the world, Sheri. It tore me apart to see how mean they were to my friend after all she had done for her daughter. I wish I had better memories but unfortunately it was never ending, clear until I graduated high school and beyond. I was constantly hearing about people she was hurting with her words. It was so bad in fact that at one point the Stake President had to get involved because of all the rumors that were being spread from her shop. So sad. She was a great Sunday school teacher although I think the reason she was so popular with the kids was that she was loud, funny and brought candy. Speaking of the candy...I was eating one of the Brach's butterscotch candies she brought. I choked on it. She panicked and started jumping up and down screaming. It was so bad in fact that I was turning colors as she freaked out. Nathan Boden, a kid in my class(I think we were all 15) came to my rescue and gave me the Heimlich. (Thank heavens for Scouts!) The candy shot across the room and I cried and she cried and Nathan was a hero. :) I choked on that same kind of candy 3 or 4 years before that when I was in Senior primary singing time. We stood up to sing and when I breathed in, it shot to the back of my throat and down. Since everyone was standing up and singing wildly I couldn't get anyones attention. I freaked out and ran to the water fountain thinking I could wash it down. When I bent over at the fountain it popped out. I have not eaten one of those candies since. They scare the crap out of me. I really don't need 'third times a charm' to come true and have it take my life. :)
Good times.
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