Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Movie Date and TWO Parks. Wow.

This morning Flower and I hit the cheap theater to see Kit Kittredge: An American Girl. This is the first time we've gone to a movie alone together and I enjoyed it. I really liked the movie. I loved ALL of Kits dresses! I would love to make them for Flower. Flower got a little bored since there was no singing, dancing or animation. She kept asking when Mamma Mia was going to start. Speaking of Mamma Mia, I finally downloaded the soundtrack and, per request of Miss Thing, have listened to 'Honey, Honey' at least a dozen times today! She had now stopped asking for the chapstick song (I Kissed a Girl) and now wants Honey, Honey. I love that she loves music!
After the movie we went up the road to Owyhee Park for lunch and playtime. By the time we got home Flower was fully ready for a nap, or should I say I was. I fell asleep before she did!
Tonight we went to Storey Park. My cousins Darrin and David and their families are in town from Iowa and Utah respectively. My aunt had a big gathering so they could see all the extended family in one place. I sucked with the camera and didn't get any photos of them but did get these of David's two daughters playing with Flower.
She got brave and let go of the chains. She was having a blast!
Lorelai rockin' her shades! So flippin' cute!

Torta and her friend playing with Flower on, SURPRISE!, the swing.
It was really fun to see everyone!

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Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out