Today was an interesting day. The morning was good. I am working a different shift because Lynnette is out of town. I'm working 10:00-2:00. It was nice working the earlier shift knowing I was done for the rest of the day! I went in and opened the office, worked for a bit and then had to leave to take Flower in for what I thought was going to be booster shots. Our doctor moved to a new location and I LOVE their new space. It's beautiful and modern with great colors. I am not missing the mauve at all!

Here's our situation. We are putting Flower in preschool in September for 4 hours a week. They need her immunization records in order for that to happen. The problem is...we can't find them. We were given a booklet in China. When we took her to her first appointment once she was here we took that booklet with us. We, as well as our doctor, thought he made a copy. We also planned on getting them translated. Well, he didn't make a copy and neither did we and now we can't find the booklet. I'm sure it's packed in a box in the garage from the move but that is a huge task we haven't had time for. So we talked to our doc. They won't just give them all to her again because that can be dangerous. They also can't just give her booster shots because she's too young. Since she was up to date as of 21 months of age, they gave her the first of her hep. A shots today and wrote a letter attesting to the fact that she is immunized and that he saw the records. We're hoping that works or she won't be going until next year.
She was a total champ during the shot. Didn't budge, didn't cry! The nurse was so impressed and said that is the easiest shot she's ever had to give and one that didn't make her feel like a complete bully. :)
Just after getting the shot she wasn't sure what to think.

Showing off her war wound.

Anyway, I was very proud of her. After that we went to get a drink at Jumba juice.
When we got home Flower and I played until her nap. Then I was doing some meditation and reflection and all of a sudden I just felt a huge sense of guilt/regret for putting things on people that I feel I shouldn't. Like struggles that I've had that I feel I should deal with on my own. It's hard to explain and doesn't really matter because it makes sense to me. I just wish I could take those things back. On the other hand, had I not done certain things, I wouldn't have some of the amazing blessings I have now. It feels like a dagger to the heart sometimes and leaves me confused and not knowing what to do. I had a good cry. I'll just keep on keepin' on just as I have been and hope things turn out in the end. After all of that I felt I needed a nice hot bath with a face mask and the works while I did a crossword puzzle.
The day ended nicely at Oriental Express. KG had karate so Flower and I waited outside for him to pick us up. You may remember in a previous post my current love for birds on a wire. I was so excited when Flower pointed out the birds on a wire right above us!

I also really liked the way the leafless tree looked with all the birds in it. I can't believe I got the one in flight. Close-up it looks amazing! Click on the photo to see it larger.

We finally arrived at the restaurant with the Sturgill's and the Elders. Last time we took them there it was fun but a little overwhelming because we had such a big group. After tonight, I KNOW I prefer a smaller group. The missionaries got the attention they deserved and I feel like I learned a lot more about them. Tonight was SO fun. We laughed and laughed. Tonight was also special because KG and I took Elder Hays(Chicken) there for the first time(which started this little tradition that I
love) and this will be his last time. He is transferring next Wednesday to a new area. He has been in this area for 7 1/2 months and will be missed! He is so funny and had me laughing most of the night. This was my first opportunity to get to know Elder Leonard. He is from England and also very funny. I think this was my favorite missionary night to date!
We were attempting to get Flower to give Elder Chicken a squeeze but she was being shy.

Good times.
1 comment:
Ohh - look at your Miss Flower! I linked over from Oakley's blog but was so excited to see your Flower - I've followed her story since she was a wee one at Amanda's! I'm a Starfish fan!!!
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