Yesterday was Flower's first day of PRESCHOOL! She was so excited and has been looking forward to September ever since we toured the place in May. KG and I wanted to make this day very special for her. It was fun that we were both able to be with her in the morning. It's a huge milestone. It's also the most time she'll be away from both of us on a regular basis since we adopted her. She was having a hard time falling asleep the night before, as was I. I used my time making her a sign, a crown and a flag.

She got to have a special breakfast of a chocolate doughnut and strawberry milk.

Normally we try and eat a bit healthier! She thought it was great! We also made her eat an egg for sustenance.

She was very pleased about her entire spread.

This gives you a clear indication of how we all felt! Super tired and little unfocused. :) Waking up at 7:00 am is a beast for us!

She was also thrilled that she got to eat on a
special plate. You may remember I was given this plate for my birthday. It's been sitting on our table just waiting for the right occasion to be used. Flower asks if she can use it all the time and last week is when I decided her first day of preschool would be the day. It was a surprise to her and she was delighted. "I get to use mommy's special plate?!" I love making her smile.

We are just about to walk out the door! Unfortunately this is where we parted ways with KG. He had jury duty. Bummer.

We chose Hillview Methodist Preschool for her because of all the great things I've heard about it. I forgot to mention the other night that when we went to the Parent Orientation, KG was teasing me because, "we can't go anywhere without you knowing someone!" Well, even at a Methodist church I saw several people from my old neighborhood and high school. It turns out that I have also known the director since I was a kid! She started this preschool 20 years ago and I never knew it. I am the same age as her son and we were in almost every class together from kindergarten on up. His sister graduated with my brother. Nathaniel and Megan Farson. What fun memories. I also forgot to mention the annoying clapping lady that sat behind us in the chapel. Oh my heavenly days. She clapped for ever.y.thing. And she was the first to start clapping and the last to stop clapping. I eventually couldn't even contain my laughter which must have been contagious because the man next to us would start laughing every time I did and his wife would nudge him. I love times like that!

She was very excited to stand out in front of her school and had to make sure everything was just right.

The first time using her hook. She thought that was so cool!

She attends class behind door number 4.

We proudly introduce Teacher Diane.

She got right to work playing with everything in sight!

Good luck at preschool Chickee Monkey and welcome to a new stage of your life! We love you! And remember to listen to your teacher and be nice to the other children! (Unless they're mean first and then deck them!) ;)

She was only there for an hour since it was the first day. Miss Diane used it as a get to know your friends, teacher and environment day. I sat in the parking lot and read. It was hardly worth leaving. KG texted me and said he was in fact chosen for the jury panel which meant he wouldn't be there when she got out either. When I went back in to get her she was so happy to tell me all about her first day! My heart was full of happiness to share that experience with her. We had a really fun day planned. I let her be in charge. We went to Target and I let her pick out two outfits. We didn't do any school shopping because she has so much but I was realizing that all her pants are getting too short. I picked out two pairs of jeans and she chose two long sleeved shirts to go with them. She also picked plain M&M's for a treat. And for me...I bought a new bra which is three band sizes smaller then the ones I bought a year ago! Yay! I also decided to step on a scale there after receiving so many kind comments lately that I look like I've lost weight. Although I knew I'd lost inches, I wasn't sure how many pounds. I am down 15 since March! Happy day!
Next on our list was to take her for a first day of school celebratory lunch. She chose Oriental Express. It was still a bit early for lunch so we went to a park near there to play. We had so much fun going down the fastest slide I have encountered at a park! I loved it.
We soon left the park and I wanted to make a quick stop by Jim's Coffee shop to wish Joni a Happy Birthday.
Finally we were on our way to lunch. It was noon and we were both starving!
Well, unfortunately this is where this story ends. We didn't make it to lunch. Suffice it to say that I jacked up my 'good' ankle and have bruises head to toe! I will most certainly write a separate post about it since I don't want it to take away from Flower's preschool post and if I can get over the embarrassment of the entire situation. I also can't sit up any longer. It's 9:00 am. I've been up since 4 because I couldn't sleep and I'm in pain. I've been falling asleep as I write this. Of course now Flower is awake so I'm really not sure how this day is going to pan out. She has only been up for a half hour and is already frustrated that I can't get up at her every whim. And I will say that although the day didn't end how I planned and I felt bad for ruining her day, it was pointed out that I didn't ruin it because she got lots of time with Kris and Jer! That, all by itself, is her dream day!
Wow, Flower in preschool! She is getting so big! It sounds like she had a fun day! Good Luck in Preschool Flower!
Holy cow she can't possibly be that big yet! wow! It's so cute to see her so proud!
Hope your ankle feels better!
yeah Flower is in preschool. that's fabulous. and holy crap for all you have gone through. hope you feel better soon.
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