Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Groceries, Guitars and Volunteering

Monday we went and picked up Crush. It cost us $16o but he passed emissions and the Air Quality Board was nice enough to let it count, even though we were 2 days late. :) Sooo, no evoking of the registration. We then went and got groceries together. I love grocery shopping with KG and Flower. I had spent some time in the afternoon making menus for the next two weeks so we went prepared with a list of what we needed. We only spent $80 for the next two weeks worth of food! Yay for being prepared. Plus most of the days we'll be trying new recipes that I found online. That always makes me look forward to making and eating the meal rather then wanting to go out. The kitchen in this apartment has made all the difference in us eating at home instead of going out.

Last week pulled the guitars out. Flower has LOVED them! She enjoyed the sounds they make and 'plays' one as often as she can. I think she looks pretty cute and can hardly wait till she can really play it.

Happy Tuesday. :o)

1 comment:

Jana said...

Volunteering --- what a great thing to do with your sweet girl!! I LOVE your blog, and I'm not a big country music fan (although I really like Garth), but is Trace Adkins not the epitome of goodness?!? love him!

Let's kick it.

can you dig it?

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

peace out