Saturday, June 28, 2008


Flower and Kas continued to have fun today. They got along great the entire time. That is a first. They were getting a little annoyed with each other by the time my sister picked her up at 2:30 but they didn't fight. It was a relief! They played dress up all day which meant that every piece of Flower's clothing was taken out of her drawers and out of her closet. Nice. I'm not sure what they were looking for in the underwear drawer that they thought that needed to be on the floor too! They sure seemed to be in search of the perfect something. Not sure they ever found it. Of course everything was too small for Kas since almost everything in was is a hand-me-down from her! She just kept dressing up Flower but eventually that bummed her out. She finally came and asked if I had anything. I found a couple of skirts and a dress I don't like, knowing she'd basically be walking on them! I am kicking myself for not taking a single photo of them today. They were just too cute. They played with the doll house, played dress-up, watched The Incredibles and ate popcorn, and read lots of books. It was nice to have someone here to play with Flower.

Tonight John and Lisa picked us up and we headed for downtown. We walked to Pita Pit for a yummy dinner to go and ate at The Grove! Then we went to a Boise Burn game. We got free tickets from Jared. We love Jared. It turned out that he also gave tickets to Raeaunn and Steve so they were sitting in front of us. Flower loved that because she kept asking for popcorn so Steve played the hero and bought her some. Flower had the best time playing cheerleader. Towards the end of the game she was playing beauty parlor and played with everyone's hair, using the empty seats behind us as a sink and counter for her shampoo and color. It was really cute. The ladies gabbed and the men watched. I did happen to pay attention long enough to see a touch down. I missed several though because we won and totally kicked butt! We all had a great time checking out the cheerleaders ta tas as some were almost bouncing out of their skimpy little tops, debating on which one was cuter and who won for best rack. Steve and Raeaunn left after the second period. Is that what they're called? After that we acted like the riffraff of the place. John was making and throwing paper airplanes to see who he could hit. Lisa has always been good at paper airplanes so I told them to compete. She made the plane and I threw it. It was awesome! We, as well as the people in front of us, were amazed at how far and well that thing flew! It was so slow and smooth and just hovered in spots. We were in the upper section. Had the net not been in front of the field, it would have landed on the field. They were laughing right along with us when another one of John's tagged a guy right in the ear. Ah, they are so fun and we love not acting our age! ;) We had a good time and it would have been even more fun if a certain someone had come! Yeah, you know who you are with your quick texting fingers!! ;)

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Let's kick it.

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i love life. i love my family. i love adventures.

past ramblings

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