The Bachelorette: Yahoo! I just watched this today and was so happy! My two guys are in the top three, just like always! I am so good at first impressions! I'm glad Graham went home. I just don't get her with him. I don't like who she is with him. And he will never change! SHe would have ended up hurt. I still can't stand Jeremy. There is something very fake about him. Everything is just too perfect and he seems like the type that would become crazy, psycho possessive husband the minute they got married. It's just weird. But, ahhh, Jason. That moment with his son was so sweet and my eyes got a little watery at the good-bye! I LOVE how she is with him. She seems so much more natural and at peace when she's with him. Then there's Jessie. They would be rockin' together. He's still my second choice but as long as my top two make it to the top two, I don't really care who wins and it won't be very intense for me. I just don't want to see her with Jeremy!
SYTYCD: I loved the first dance and it started the show off right for me. I still love the same two couples as last week. This morning I watched it again with Flower. I just fast forward it and only watch the dances, no talking. She is mesmerized with it. She laid on the bed next to me holding my hand. It was so sweet. After the show she gets up and dances in front of the mirror, trying to repeat some of the moves she saw on the show. It makes me smile.
And last but not least. Last night KG had Cub Scouts here to go swimming. My two nephews and my niece joined them.

Now, I think I'll end this post with some lovely visuals for you. One of the scouts younger siblings came, a 3 year old. He first pulled down his pants and pee'd on the cement shortly after arriving. Not a huge deal to me as it can be washed off with the water. His mom freaked out, grabbed him, pinched off his penis, which doesn't work and pee ended up in her hand and then she held him over the garbage can to finish his business. It was a hilarious scene. We had a good laugh. THEN! Oh it gets better. About 10 minutes later, she took his pants off him to put his swim trunks on. He squatted and took a dump on the cement! Right by the hot tub. Fabulous. Now, not so funny. We wanted to barf. It was a lot too! She was mortified. But then we found out he did it in the Sturgill's grass the night before and in his own yard last week. He also didn't listen to her at all when she would tell him not to do something which is pretty normal and she lets him get away with it. What a little shit! I am so glad that Flower has never done that to me. This is also the little boy that Flower doesn't get along with in nursery. They just butt heads and he's mean to her so she's mean back. Ironically they did fine last night.
Totally agree on the bachelorette. Jason is my fav and Jesse is my second. She won't end up with Jeremy...too "perfect" and perfect isn't good....
I about died laughing at the last part of your blog! That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while.
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