Today we didn't get moving until after 10:00. We went for a super nutritious brunch of pie at Kitty's Christmas Forever.

We had heard how great these pies were and couldn't help ourselves.
Flower can hardly wait.

Man he's hot.

With the size of these things, we also enjoyed the some of one of them tonight! There's still half of the other two plus a quarter of the other for tomorrow!
We got marionberry,

banana cream,

and strawberry.

We sat outside and enjoyed the weather which was actually warm!
I was trying to help Flower up into her chair and pulled a smooth move and totally pooched my shoulder. Just after this photo.

I reached over with my right arm, shown in photo, and thought that would be a good angle in which to lift her. WRONG! I felt some things pop and pull. I forgot about it most of the day until several hours later and then kept wondering what I'd done. Then it hit me. It just keeps getting worse. Now, as I type this I can barely move it in any direction without wanting to cry and the pain is moving up my neck. I am so pissed. But hey, on a positive note, my ankle has been swell the whole trip, only hurting at common times that I'm already used to.
Anyway, on with the fun.
I found my mom a really fun birthday present in the shop. That reminds me that we also found KG's dad a birthday present at the hippie fest. Nothing like being prepared for October and November! :)
While we were eating Flower tried to push her chair out. They didn't slide at all since we were sitting on a wood deck. The chair went back and she tried to counteract the fall by leaning forward and that just sent her over the edge where she hung. And yes I took a photo before rescuing her. :) How ironic that she was wearing her "I do all my own stunts" t-shirt. :)

I saw some baby ducks following their mom and I was showing Flower and didn't realize KG was watching. :) I rather like this photo.

After the sweetness of the pies we decided to go back for some BLT's to offset them. They were good as well but not the best.
Continuing with our journey we went further south to Bandon. We stopped at the Game Park Safari.

This is a must visit! It is the best zoo I've even been too. Almost everything is within reach and touchable. Those that couldn't be touched seemed to be in more of a natural environment then caged up and looking sad. We bought some food for each of us to feed the animals. It comes in an icecream cone which can then be fed to them as well.

I was so impressed that Flower didn't freak out and they were all around her!

The goats and deer LOVED KG! I couldn't believe how much they followed and flocked to him. It was very amusing.

After the bird took the cone from KG the goat was not happy. The bird and the goat then fought over it and eventually the goat won!

These were really cool. They are four horned sheep. I've never seen them before.

Unfortunately they were eating so it was hard to tell but I did get three horns in the photo.

This poor thing just makes us laugh every time we see it! Sad little cross-eyes possum.

Be prepared for my immaturity in these next few photos but this guy just cracks me up. I just cannot stop laughing at what you're about to see!

Seriously, here it comes!

I myself! I have never seen such a human looking penis on an animal before.

Yep, still laughing.
Check out the cute little baby below the mama.

We really had a fabulous time and highly recommend it!
Here are Flower's souvenirs from the day. She chose this giraffe purse. It's basically a carrier for the giraffe which can be taken out and played with. She is having so much fun with it! (Kris this is the animal she was trying to stuff back in the bag when she said her SOB line.) Nice.

We also got her a pink hoodie since both of the ones she owns are getting too small.

We were then on our marry little way to Port Orford for the night. We checked into our camp spot at Camp Blanco RV park.

We went to tour the town. It's really cute and small.
We found a look out spot that sits above the only dock in town. Too bad it's so foggy you can't see the view of the ocean! The art work is worth looking at though.
I think it's beautiful.

There were so many awesome rocks that went far beyond the fog.

This was such a cool dock. There were boats everywhere.

There was one loan restaurant and that's where we ate dinner.

Griff's on the Dock.

It was excellent! KG got swordfish which neither of us has had before and we loved it! I got my beloved salmon which was sooo good. Flower ate a quarter of both of our food and she liked them both just as much as we did!

This photo is for Amanda in China! Flower says hello to all the other little starfish that have been so blessed to be caught in your net!

And now that the fog has lifted a bit, this is the few from the beautiful art work from above.

As I type this Flower and KG are both snoring away. They fell asleep about two hours ago which is early for all of us! I have been catching up on some blog's, one inparticular, my friend A. I had a lot of catching up to do too. She is dealing with a douch bag ex-husband. She had a super fun vaca to Vegas! Happy 30th! She also wrote a blog about some things that are near and dear to her, or rather she wishes they were. I found myself getting choked up a bit because it's so much the same way I feel on the same issues. My heart goes out to you A!
I love the blogosphere so much because of the way it keeps us all connected. Some people keep things simple and some completely share their hearts and I love all the connections I've made on so many levels! Thanks so much to everyone that reads mine, takes interest in my life and offers kind words, thoughts and support. You have no idea how much it means to me! I thrive on it and look forward to this part of my day...both sharing my life and basking in the joys or mourning the sorrows of yours.
wow it looks like you guys are having so much fun. it makes me want to go on a road trip. oh wait i am later this week. yeah. nothing like getting out and having some adventures. thanks for doing you blog. it is so much fun to see what you up to. i totally miss your family. have some pie for me.
Hey Ang... I don't know if you remember me or not, but we "kinda" met on Idaho Scrappers... I had saved the link for your blog way back when, and have also seen your comments on Sara's blog. I really enjoy popping in to see what you, and your family, are up to! I have really loved reading about your trip! It has given me lots of great ideas for our next trip - whenever that may be... We actually went to the coast in May, and camped, and we'd like to do it again before summer is over, but we'll see...
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how great it's been to read about your daily adventures. Thanks for sharing them all!
What great photos!! I especially love the close-up of the ostrich face and the lioness -- too cool. Glad you're having such a great trip and experiencing new sites and sounds with your family. I'm going to make a pie tonight.
Ok, I don't know what makes me laugh harder the cross eyed possum or the penis shot! I am still laughing and a good laugh these days is just what I need. Can't wait to see you even though I know family is better than work!
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