I am loving the storms that we've been having! Last night/this morning at 3:00 am KG and I were watching Vantage Point, an excellent movie, and we saw flashes of lightning out the window followed by thunder. I was so excited and made up raise the blinds and was bummed when it only lasted a second. Then the rain poured down and we listened. It beats down on our metal carports and sounds amazing. Then today I got my hopes up again. I was talking on the phone with a friend by the open sliding door and it starting raining but it didn't last long and no thunder and lightning. I just love summer storms. Hate them in winter though.
I finally unpacked our suitcase this afternoon. Since we had done laundry twice on vacation, all the clothes in the suitcase were clean so I wanted to get all the dirty clothes clean before I tackled that. I forgot about the fun things we bought on the trip since they were tucked in there. They included gifts for both mom's, both dad's and Kris(because it was too funny to pass up but I'm sure only we will think so!), and some fun stuff for us.
I got a skirt from the hippie shop in Newport,
I talked to my friend R last night. Gosh sometimes I just feel so helpless. She has so many struggles coming at her right now and I admire her so much for her strength in navigating through it all. I also am so grateful that she is letting me in and letting me carry some of her burdens! That's what friends are for and Lord knows I needed mine last year and now it's my turn to be their for them. It makes me happy to be able to help my friends. I just wish I could take away all her pain but crying with her and listening will have to do for now. There are a few people that my heart aches for right now and I hate that for them!
Flower got hives really bad Sunday night. We didn't take photos but here's one from Monday and it looks GOOD compared to Sunday! You couldn't see her normal skin through all the hives. We're not sure why she's getting them. Oatmeal baths and benadryl seem to be helping!
We took a few videos on the trip and finally have them uploaded.
On the Rouge River jet boat we were racing with another boat. Everyone on our boat was making fun of the half naked chick on the other boat. Despite the fact that it is FREEZING, as you can see by everyone being bundled on our boat, she still wants to look hot for her little boyfriend! :)
After seeing the cross-eyed possum of course we had to record ourselves looking so silly! :)
Here's the sea lion cove in Florence. Oh how I wish you could smell through the computer! It was awful!
There's not much happening until halfway through. Well, except the awesome train sounds in the background! Gosh I love trains!!! Anyway, that's kind of the point and what was caught was not intentional. Quite often, she will be totally quiet and minding her own business, UNTIL I talk. Then she just starts spouting random things to compete with me. Little pooper. This shows it perfectly and I really don't know why he was recording her in the first place. And I hadn't really noticed that she seems to have a case of turrets syndrome! LOL. :)
I wanted to explain a couple of photos from the trip that I forgot to write about in the posts themselves. I just don't want to forget the moments.
The reason I did this photo in black and white and highlighted her pink shoes is because almost every step she would take, they would fill with rocks. We were so frustrated at having to constantly stop and help her empty them out. At one point we were looking at the seals and when I turned around, I found her sitting on this rock fixing them herself. She looked up right as I was taking the photo. I'm sure you can see my her expression that she was obviously just as frustrated as we were! :)
Flower and I were invited to a movie tonight by Jenna and Kris, totally last minute, and I was so excited! We saw Mama Mia! It's so good! I pretty much loved every minute of it and want to see it again! Amanda Seyfried is beautiful! I loved her character. Thanks for the invite! I had a really good time with YOU!
So here's where I vent. This is what will help me just move on. Once I type it, I'm done.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate girl groups/clicks? Well I loathe them! I've pretty much always steered clear and most of my really close friends are guys. Always been that way! Well a few moms from my church also came along and brought their daughters. I would have named them had things not turned sour. After the moving one girl, who shall now be called 'ring leader' asked another girl, who will be called 'sweet girl' if they wanted to go get ice cream. No big deal. Then I went into the bathroom and all the gals except Kris/Jenna were in there and stopped talking the moment I walked in. Ok. Weird. Then they all just stood around and started making small talk and that's when things started to click in my brain that they were waiting for me to leave so they could talk. Umm, hello, junior high is calling!!! As soon as Flower was done, we left and as I was shutting the door very slowly the three asked the fourth if she wanted to go get ice cream. That's when I put two and two together that I was pretty sure I wasn't invited. Still just hoping I was paranoid. Then we get to our cars and as I'm putting Flower in her car seat, 'ring leader' came up to Kris' car which was next to mine, puts her back to me and leans into Kris and says something. I'm pretty sure she was being invited to ice cream. I was dumbfounded. I'm not sure what Kris told her. Well 'sweet girl' knew I was going to Kris' after the movie to get some lotions. So I followed Kris to her house and then I brought this whole stupid thing up just to make sure I wasn't paranoid. I asked her if 'ring leader' invited her to ice cream when she leaned in and she said yes. That's when I said, "I wonder what the hell she has against me that she really didn't want me to be there!" At first Kris tried to convince me that wasn't the case. Then as I pointed things out in sequence, some things from earlier in the evening that I hadn't paid much attention to until now, it was blatantly obvious. Like when 'ring leader' first saw me with the group she gave me a dirty look. Then same girl sat by me and halfway through the movie she turned her back to me for the rest of the movie. I just don't get. I've known all these girls for more then five years, never been 'close' to them but get together for social things now and again. Certainly never had any issues with them. And I was a great support to 'ring leader' during some very tough times which she has acknowledged often. I was totally blown away and hurt. I'm fairly curtain she was ring leader. I kept reassuring Kris that it wasn't affecting me that much and I'd be fine, I was just totally confused. Then while we were talking about it and trying to figure it out, sweet girl, who I hoped wasn't involved because I like her and think she's really sweet, texted Kris and asked if she was coming to ice cream. She's the one who knew I was going to Kris'. Kris already told the 'ringleader' that she wasn't going. So I basically took that as, "Are you coming or is Angee still there?". I'm pretty sure they were talking about me at the ice cream shop!! That's when I realized my feelings were more hurt then I thought and I couldn't take it. I started to cry and grabbed Flower to leave. Kris was shocked by that point at the whole thing and tried to stop me and then we ended up talking outside. We just cannot figure out what is going on and why they have an issue with me. There is absolutely nothing I have done to them. The only thing we can even think of is that maybe they are threatened by our good friendship. But we don't exclude people! Crap she's been with that group more then she has with me the past month! I mind my own business and stay fairly distant from 'ringleader', just having the occasional conversation because I know how she can be. I want to like her and have succeeded for the past 6 years because I've not allowed myself to get too close. It just sucked. That has never happened to me before and it didn't feel good. I guess I just don't know how to process it. I am not that way at all so it's totally beyond my understanding. And now church is going to be really fun. Can hardly wait for Sunday! *note the sarcasm* Hmmm, didn't I have something going on this Sunday anyway? And as a side note, I do know that this is 'the girls' not 'the church'. I am not one who confuses the two and would stop going because I got my feelings hurt or blame 'the church'. Yeah, I might not go for a bit because I'm uncomfortable but not because 'the church did me wrong'. :) I have always loved our ward and really hope this shit isn't going to be a new trend. I just don't get it. I know that I'll be fine tomorrow or the next but dang I'm having a hard time tonight.
Some random thoughts of my own . . . :)
Love your souvenirs, especially the skirt!
Poor Flower. Hives are NOT fun.
Sea lion stench, UGH!! There's a colony in Cabo San Lucas that we always pass when we're on shore excursions. It really is something to experience -- or not!!
Three BOOS for social exclusion. :-( I mean, I suppose people have the right to decide they don't feel like hanging out with a given person on a given day, but for Pete's sake, to go out of your way to NOT invite somebody WHO IS ALREADY THERE??? I think you summed it up pretty well . . . junior high much?? Bah. :-(
On a happier note, I'm glad you enjoyed Mamma Mia. I'm looking forward to seeing it!
people are stupid. and ya totally junior and high school all over again. why people can't grow up is beyond my knowledge. good luck with everything. i hope flower feels better soon. hives are no fun. smiles ;0)
Girls are dumb.
There's your answer.
i like you :)
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