When we got home from our fun evening we made of the mistake of getting the mail only to find a Subpoena waiting for me.
It took me forever to figure out who the Defendant was! Then it all came flooding back to me. Apartment 504. My absolute nightmare apartment the final 6 months of my job at Parklane! Remember this post clear back on January 4th? If not, I suggest clicking on the link and reading it. I just read it again and laughed. But now it's not so funny. Now that I actually have to waste my time, on August 27th at 8:30 in the freaking morning!!!, to go testify against this total waste to society! Especially since it should be 'girl who doesn't live there' who's ass should be in jail. Oh if I saw her right now I'd bitch slap her. The whole situation is so irritating. Parklane continues to haunt me!
After I'd taken it all in, I called my previous gaybor, Danny, to see if he'd received one as well. Indeed he had. We bitched and moaned together for a bit. I can say I'm very grateful he'll be there with me. I don't even want to think about how dreadful it would be to be sitting there alone with creep face staring at me because he's pissed I called the cops wayyyy back in January!
Oh how thankful I am that I am wordy and put every damn detail of that night in that blog because I remembered non of it! It will help so much when I have to go testify. So all you who make fun of me because I take a long story and make it longer....HA! It worked to my advantage!
Now I'm going to go watch The Mole with my hunny buns who has the night off.